Our Prayer Cells

Gathering men to pray as we restore the prayer comission of the church

Prayer Hubs

We gather to pray in diffferent centers around you
Sapele Prayer Hub

Sapele Prayer Hub

Location: Divine Gospel Faith International Ministry, 43 Crudas road extension, behind Universal Secondary School, Sapele Delta State Thursdays – 4pm...

Jeddo Prayer Hub

Jeddo Prayer Hub

Location: Perals of Wisdom High School, along Jeddo road, after Winners Chapel, Jeddo. Mondays – 4pm Contact: 08064390768, 08028220217

Oghara Prayer Hub

Oghara Prayer Hub

Location: HND2 ChemBioChem class, behind microbiology, HND1 SLT, Applied Scicence, Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe, Oghara. Fridays – 4.30pm Contact: 08081173914

DELSU Abraka Prayer Hub

DELSU Abraka Prayer Hub

Location: Maco Villa, Omono before Abraka Grammar School, Abraka. Fridays – 4pm Contact: 08111934394, 08148277102